Jonathan Kaye

Are you ready to live a life
you don’t need a vacation from?

About me

I have had 54 years of adventure and will be 68 years old in June. I have lost my mind once and millions twice along the way. I have surfed hurricane waves (20 years), played polo (41 years) and paraglided (15 years), while building affordable housing in the inner city since 1980. We are presently living on our 100 acre permaculture farm sustainably in the tropics for eight months a year, and Newport Rhode Island for four. A group of locals and I are building a new community, 40 minutes by horseback to the east of our farm. We have just finished building a horse drawn Medicinal Honey and Natural Juice bar there called the Sunrise Saloon next to the river Yassica, and under a bamboo forest. It is from there I will coach "Living beneath your means" and from "Fear to Fearless".

If you ready to live a life you don’t need a vacation from, come visit. We will leave the solar light on for you, or we can get started online.

En Route to the Sunrise Saloon

Are you ready to build a life you don’t need a vacation from? Start with a 5-day immersion at The Saloon or continue online.

Coaching with Jonathan Kaye

Coaching with Jonathan Kaye

En Route to the Sunrise Saloon: Short stories about Fear, Activism, Community and Connection